Scotch Whisky – Questions and Answers Booklet
Whilst digging through some of my Whisky memorabilia and books I came across this little gem.

The colours on the front cover make it a little difficult to read. Inside is a better Image.
This is the 6th revised edition from 1959 and is in very good condition for it’s age.
This little booklet has many phrases and words that seem to be no longer used, for example:
Spent Lees
Five out measure
It also asks some unusual questions like:
What is the medicinal value of Whisky?
Is it injurious to drink Whisky with oysters or other shellfish?
Why is Scotch Whisky now so dear in this country compared to pre-war?
What is the difference between Scotch Whisky and gin?
This is a great wee booklet to browse over while sipping your favourite dram. Also in this publication is a section giving you a selection of cocktails and here are a few.

Scotch Horse’s Neck : Lemon juice, Scotch, Angostura, ginger ale.
Earthquake Cocktail : One third gin, one third Scotch, one third absinthe.
Scotch Rickey : One lump of ice, juice of half a lime, juice of a quarter of a lemon, large glass of Whisky, soda water.
Flying Scotsman Cocktail : Two and a half glasses of Italian Vermouth, three glasses of Whisky, one tablespoon bitters, one tablespoon sugar syrup.
The first edition of this booklet was published in 1953. I have googled this booklet to try and find out a little more about it and is it still available. To my surprise I found an edition on Amazon. It is the first edition published January 1953 and has an astronomical price of £864.36 – WOW!!!
Next time The Whisky Boys do a cabin tasting I will certainly bring this little gem out to let our guests have a peruse.