Sausages and Whisky for Dinner
Sausages and Whisky for Dinner
12 good quality sausages
Dash of Worcestershire Sauce
Half an inch of fresh ginger
1 sherry glass of orange juice
Season well with freshly ground pepper & salt
1 small onion
1 level tablespoon of flour
1 measure of Whisky ( a good peaty strong Malt will be good)
Cook sausages in oven with, onion, orange juice and Worcestershire Sauce, salt and pepper to taste. This should be in an open pan and the sausages should be turned frequently.
When cooked remove sausages and keep hot. To the pan juices add the flour and cook on a medium heat. Add additional water and the measure of Whisky. Bring to the boil.
To serve place the sausages on a dish and pour the sauce through a strainer over them. (This dish is ideal with creamed potatoes).
Then enjoy.