Whisky Boys Go To Las Vegas
Nicola our Web Master is off to the gambling capital of the world (Las Vegas Baby!) on Sunday 9th November for a little over a week.
The Whisky Boys have requested that Nicola obtains all and anything pertaining to Whisky, photos of bars and price lists of our national drink as its served in Vegas.
I know that she has entered a few Texas Hold Em Poker Tournaments in the big casinos and hotels, we all wish her good luck and of course we are in for a share of the winnings to assist the Boys in their purchases and tasting exploits of our wee drams.
Hopefully Nicola can also find out from some of the exuberant bar men and women the latest cocktails that are sweeping Vegas and in particular those involving Whisky.
Hopefully your Whisky Boys polo top will give you extra luck while you are at the tables.
All and any info Nicola obtains will be relayed on this site.
Once again Nicola, a safe journey and may your dollars multiply.
Good Luck
The Whisky Boys