Tagged: whisky boys

Bushmills Buttered Soda Bread 0

Bushmills Buttered Soda Bread

Bushmills Buttered Soda Bread This is fabulous if you use an authentic Irish Soda bread and use Irish Whiskey * 1 tbsp sugar * 9 tbsp butter, softened * 3 tbsp...

Whisky Remedies (may even cure swine flu) 0

Whisky Remedies (may even cure swine flu)

When you have the sniffles, a sore throat and you have a cold it is time for a toddy. One of the nicest things about a hot toddy is this lovely sounding name. The word toddy appears to be a variation of a Hindu word tari which I believe means sweet alcoholic drink made of palm sap. The word is more generally used in Scotland and has been used by Robert Burns in poems meaning a generic alcoholic drink. Today the word is almost always used to describe a hot sweetened drink of spirits and water.