What is a – Quaich ?
Definition :- It comes from the the Scottish Gaelic cuach meaning a cup. It is a shallow double handled drinking cup or bowl.

Traditionally, a Quaich would be carved out of wood. But nowadays the Quaich is constructed out of many metals, wood and glass, these are a few of them :-
Pewter & Brass
Pewter & Copper
Pewter & Gemstones
Sterling Silver
Silver Plate
Glass and Ceramic
Your Quaich can be very ornate and can feature many Celtic and Scottish designs/illustrations and personal
engraving is very popular.

You can find on-line many examples of small to very large Quaichs. If you check out Angels’ Share Glass, they do a particularly nice example in glass. Another great place to get your Quaich is from Quaich Shop based in Edinburgh. There are also many designs at Amazon, where you can also do a price check.
Traditionally used through the ages as a friendship and welcoming drink at Clan Gatherings.
But now it is used on many occasions including weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and meetings of family, friends and neighbours.
Now this got me thinking, as we are currently in a difficult time with isolation/lockdown and we are all missing our families and friends at this sad time.

It is time to fully resurrect the Quaich in all it’s glory. When the time comes, and hopefully it will be soon let’s use the Quaich when we all meet our families and friends again to drink a dram and celebrate our love and friendship.
Hugs and drams from a Quaich can be a truly grand way to celebrate all our love to our family and friends.
Lets look forward to the coming of the Quaich and the time for hugs.