Whiskey Recipes – Malt Whisky Potted Prawns

Whiskey Recipes – Malt Whisky Potted Prawns


280 g shelled small prawns rinsed
one large diced Onion ,
40 g unsalted butter
200 ml double cream
1 1/2 tbsp whiskey ( a good sweet Speyside Single Malt will do very nicely)
2 tbsp finely chopped fresh Parsley
100 g grated Caerphilly cheese


1. Preheat the grill to the highest temperature.

2. Sweat the diced onion in the butter in a frying pan until translucent, for about 10 minutes.

3. Add the double cream, bring to the boil and pour in the whisky. Boil off the alcohol for about a minute. Stir in the prawns, parsley and half of the cheese to bind with the cream mixture and remove from the heat.

4. Divide between small heatproof pots and sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese.

5. Place under the grill until the tops are golden brown. Serve immediately.

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